The Black Phone is the new film from director Scott Derrickson and Blumhouse Productions that stars Ethan Hawke as a kidnapper known as The Grabber. The story was adapted from Joe Hill’s short story “The Black Phone,” and it follows a 13-year-old boy named Finney (Mason Thames) who was kidnapped by The Grabber and locked in his basement. While all seems hopeless, a disconnected black phone somehow gives Finney a chance to talk to The Grabber’s previous victims, all of whom want to help Finney avoid what happened to them.
The Black Phone is a supernatural horror story, but it is one that aims to be grounded in a way that makes moviegoers believe at least part of the story is something that could actually happen. To learn how they made this nightmare a reality, IGN sat down with Derrickson, executive producer Jason Blum, and Hawke.
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