Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Melissa Leo and Antonio Banderas have joined the cast of “Clean-Up Crew,” an action-comedy from Yale Entertainment.
Directed by Jon Keeyes, “Clean-Up Crew” focuses on a crime scene clean-up team that discovers a cash-filled briefcase at a crime sight. The discovery pits them into battle with a crime boss, hitman and corrupt government agents searching for the cash. Meyers and Leo play the heads of the clean-up crew, while Banderas plays the crime boss looking for the briefcase.
The film shot in Ireland, and recently wrapped production. Matthew Rogers wrote the script for the film, which is produced by Jordan Yale Levine, Jordan Beckerman and Michael Rothstein for Yale, Richard Bolger and Conor Barry from Hail Mary Pictures and Richard Clabaugh, Stephen Braun and Kurt Ebner. Yale’s sales banner Great Escape will handle international rights for the project, which is aiming to be sold at the Toronto Film Festival in September.